You need to treat your Varicose Veins
Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Below is some helpful information if your physician has recommended you Ambulatory Phlebectomy to treat your varicose veins.

A Brief

Ambulatory phlebectomy is a medical procedure that is designed to treat varicose veins which protrude on the surface of the legs and cause pain and discomfort. It helps you live a fuller life without the side effects caused by problematic veins.

It may be used to remove both asymptomatic and symptomatic superficial veins from the skin. Typically, treated veins are the larger and bulging (raised) ones, although smaller veins may also be removed. Finally it may be combined with other therapies in the treatment of venous disease.

How the procedure happens?

A simple 4 steps procedure
First outlining or marking the veins to be treated; then injecting local anaesthesia into the skin, a surgical removal of the bulging veins; segment by segment through small incisions is done and finally wearing compression stockings for one week or more after surgery.

Are you a candidate for Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

If you are an adult over the age of 18 years old and in good overall health, then you are good ambulatory phlebectomy candidate

If you are allergic to local anaesthesia or can't wear a compression stocking; you should tell your doctor to reconsider a different option rather than ambulatory phlebectomy for varicose veins.

  • Before the procedure
  • After Procedure Precautions
    • Your treating physician would perform a thorough evaluation with duplex ultrasound imaging to determine whether a source is present for venous hypertension.

    • If the source of venous hypertension is present; your doctor would work to manage it with you to be eliminated prior to or in conjunction with ambulatory phlebectomy.

  • Inform your doctor about any current medication you are using plus any contraindicated medications for you especially Anticoagulants and Anti platelets e.g. Aspirin (usually used before and after the procedure).
  • You'll need to wear a support stocking for 2 weeks following the procedure.
  • Your physician may recommend that you walk after treatment. This will help to reduce pressure in veins, increase the flow and reduce the risk of forming a blood clot.

    Ambulatory Phlebectomy Benefits

    You will need only local anaesthesia in ambulatory phlebectomy so you can go back to your normal activities after 24 hours. You won't suffer from stitches or scars but minimally invasive (micro-incisions or pinholes only)

    Living a Healthy Life after Ambulatory Phlebectomy

    There is no perfect way to prevent varicose veins, but improving your blood circulation immensely reduces the risks of developing varicose veins.

    Following these tips can also save you from undergoing varicose veins treatment:

    • Regular Exercise: Exercise improves your blood circulation.
    • Keep a balanced diet: Make sure that you take enough Vitamin C. It helps keep the veins healthy.
    • Make it a habit to take a walk every day: A simple, short walk helps circulate blood throughout your body.

    Ask for your physician advice to have a better quality of life with Varicose Veins.

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